Project Description

Through a series of regular postcards, a flip book brochure, and a letter package containing a 3-dimensional card and branded 3D glasses, The Parish Group sought to promote the wide array of services offered to their higher-education market. The concept behind the “Swiss Army knife” theme was to illustrate the range of services in a quickly recognizable way, without requiring a huge amount of explanation, while also providing some statistics that speak to their success. Their uniqueness lies in their vast experience in all aspects of higher-ed marketing: Branding and Brand Development; Student Search; Counselor Training; Print and Digital Design, Production, and Delivery; On-Site Photography; Slate (CRM) Set-up and Training; Social Media Training; Copywriting; Research; Calling Campaigns; Financial Aid Consulting; and Marketing Audits. Most of their competitors only do one or even a handful of these services.

Project Deliverables:

Brochure, Lift Note, Postcards, 3D Glasses, Envelopes